Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Do Hard Things

I've been lazy most of my life. (I was born early but that probably wasn't because of my assertiveness.)

I want to have a godly work ethic and a godly relationship ethic. Both fronts are a tremendous battle for me.

In the teaching and preaching department I have Isaiah and Leviticus on the go. I'm more crazy than gutsy so don't give me too much credit.

I ran across something that I'd like to do with a band of brothers in my church that want to step up and grow and be holy and intellectually rigorous and godly and winsome all at the same time. To that end is this reading plan for reading Calvin's Institutes in a year. I read it in Seminary for a class, but you know how that goes. Here's the link. Let me know how it goes: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2973671/A-Year-through-Calvins-Institutes-1559-b

Here's to a godly, gutsy, glorious 2009, by the grace of God.

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