Saturday, April 07, 2007

Skipped and blurred memories


I'm terrible about keeping memories during stressful times of life. While this picture was taken we were living with the inlaws, I wasn't pastoring, I was working odd jobs, and life was just plain hard. I had just left a stressful ministry position, made a cross country move, and was really wondering what God had called me to do. I was also in a period of growth/testing/refining about what kind of husband was I going to be - - a strong silent type, a depressed basket case, or a humble leader.

This is son #2 who was a mere 5 months old when we made the trek to the Left Coast into God knows what. I hunted for this picture to "repopulate" my memory banks with this stage of his life that is frankly a blur to me. I love him dearly and he is too loud, too smart, and too fun to forget now!! God has brought us a long way and it's good to remember and "forget none of his benefits."
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1 comment:

Corrie said...

I just read the "Doing good for grace's sake" and Nan know that I have been "delivered" from legalism. After living through the internal battle, I would agree that it is the misconception of grace that feeds legalism. I don't have much time now, as I am putting off getting my crazy kids in bed, but I plan to read your entire entry with Rick and look forward to your commentary on it all. I fondly remember all of the theological discussions that we all shared many times. Sweet entry on the blurred memories too, by the way.